Dr Vinesh Moodley is a paediatrician in Durban. He graduated as a paediatrician in 2003. After years of experience in large referral hospitals in the Ethekewini Metropolitian area, Dr Moodley worked for 6 years in Paediatric ICU at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Durban before entering private practice. His practice is situated off Nandi Drive in the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate. Services offered by the practice include general outpatient ambulatory care and services, hospital care, attendance at deliveries and newborn care, preventive health care eg vaccinations and developmental assessments as well as critical care for the severely ill child.
Medical Practice

A Truly Unique Paediatric Service at Ethekwini Hospital:
Dr Moodley's paediatric practice at Ethekwini Hospital enjoys the unique privilege of having collegial associations with multiple paediatric sub-specialities under one roof. This is certainly unique in Kwazulunatal and probably in South Africa. These specialities include Neurology, Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiology, Nephrology, ENT, Haematology & Oncology and Dietetics. This value all under one roof for sick children is immense, allowing very rapid and often instant consultation expertise from the various paediatric specialities.
Contact Dr Moodley
- Suite 5, Ground Floor, Block C, Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital & Heart Centre, 11 Riverhorse Road, Riverhorse Valley Business Estate, Queen Nandi Drive, Durban, 4017